Tulicreme - Creme de barrar de chocolate


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"O seu filho salta de contente quando lhe dá Tulicreme".

Tulicreme. O fantástico creme de barrar, em chocolate ou avelã.

Anterior post sobre TULICREME.


  1. Hi
    This is Javier from Spain. Here in Spain we have the chance to have Tulicrem around 25 years ago. I remember it pretty well like it was yesterday becuase I love it.
    I think in Portugal is still on sale, becuase in Spain is discontinued from around 20 years ago.
    I would like to know if somebody can help me and put in contact with any shop they have Tulicrem on sale or if any of you can manage it for me. I will pay for shipping etc.. My email address is: javinavarro2@hotmail.com

    Hope any people i Portugal could help me to buy and find this food.



  2. I send U Javier!!!! And u send me yellow listerine ��


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